- poddy
- ягненок
имя существительное:
ягненок (lamb, yeanling, cade, poddy)
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.
poddy — /ˈpɒdi / (say podee) noun (plural poddies) Also, poddy calf. 1. a. a handfed calf. b. an unbranded calf just big enough to wean. –adjective 2. (of a small animal, especially a lamb or calf) requiring to be handfed. 3. British Colloquial pot… …
poddy — 1. adjective a) Fat, corpulent. b) Fed by hand. 2. noun a) An unbranded calf. , 1904: When the milkin musics ended, and the big cans stacked away, / An the poddies have done … Wiktionary
poddy mullet — /pɒdi ˈmʌlət/ (say podee muluht) noun (plural poddy mullet or poddy mullets) a very young mullet, not large enough for human consumption, but used for fishing bait; fingerling. Usage: For variation in the plural inflection, see note at fish1 …
poddy dodger — Australian Slang cattle rustler. Poddy calves are milk fed but not by a cow … English dialects glossary
poddy-dodger — /ˈpɒdi dɒdʒə/ (say podee dojuh) noun Colloquial someone who steals unbranded calves. –poddy dodging, noun …
poddy — /pod ee/, n., pl. poddies. Australian. 1. a newborn or unweaned calf. 2. any young animal. 3. maverick. [1890 95; orig. uncert.] * * * … Universalium
Poddy — young unbranded cattle … Dictionary of Australian slang
poddy — Australian Slang young unbranded cattle … English dialects glossary
poddy — pod·dy … English syllables
poddy — I. ˈpädē, di adjective ( er/ est) Etymology: pod (II) + y chiefly dialect : potbellied II. noun ( es) chiefly Aust … Useful english dictionary
Poddy dodger — cattle rustler … Dictionary of Australian slang